Dr. Philip Tierno, Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU School of Medicine discusses how air quality is now a priority in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. He talks about airborne illnesses, how they spread indoors, and what can be done to prevent them from infecting others.
Dr. Philip M. Tierno, Jr. is a well-known microbiologist with more than 40 years of experience in the field of Clinical and Medical Microbiology. He was the Director of Clinical Microbiology and Diagnostic Immunology at Tisch Hospital, New York University Langone Medical Center, and is currently Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at the New York University School of Medicine and also at the NYU College of Dentistry. He is a member of numerous respected scientific societies and did his graduate studies at the New York University, where he was awarded a M.S. degree in 1974 and his Ph.D. in 1977 under the mentorship in Microbiology of Dr Guenther Stotzky.
Dr. Tierno has acted as a consultant to the office of Attorney General of the New York State, the Department of Health of the City of New York, the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and the College of American Pathologists. Dr. Tierno was a member of the NYC Mayor Giuliani’s Task force on Bioterrorism & currently is a member of the NYC Medical Reserve Corps. Dr. Tierno has been recognized extensively for his numerous contributions to the medical/ scientific community. In 1986, he was bestowed the honor of Knighthood by The Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of Saint John Jerusalem, Knight of Malta for his work on Toxic Shock Syndrome. Since 1977 to the present, he has been recognized as a biographee in consecutive editions to date of “Who’s Who in America; Who’s Who in the World; and Who’s Who in Science and Medicine” for his work in the field of Microbiology. In 2005 he was awarded the Il Leone de San Marco Award for lifetime achievement in Science & Medicine.
Dr. Tierno has done extensive research on the microbial ecology of the vaginal vault, and the microbiology and ecology of Toxic Shock Syndrome, and, in fact, he defined the tampon connection. His primary areas of interest are Clinical & Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology. He’s also extensively studied global perspectives on Infectious Diseases and national issues like Nosocomial Infection, in addition to the efficacy of germicidal agents (physical and chemical) and pesticides on microbes and the environment; as well as, Human Microgenomics: core human microbiome in health & disease. His work in the field of microbiology has resulted in numerous articles and texts that have been published in both medical and scientific journals and books, nationally and internationally. Articles written by Dr. Tierno have appeared in such journals as American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, American Journal of Clinical Pathology, Lancet, Reviews of Infectious Diseases, JAMA, Journal of Infectious Diseases, etc, etc. He is co-editor of a popular environmental book, “Staying Healthy in a Risky Environment”, 1993 Simon & Shuster, NY. He has more recently authored a new book entitled “The Secret Life of Germs; Observations and Lessons from a Microbe Hunter” published by Pocket Books division of Simon & Schuster. His third book for the public was released 2002 “Protect Yourself Against Bioterrorism” also published by Pocket Books. Another book is “Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism: Emergency Response and Public Protection” (2003, Lewis Publ). In 2004 he authored “The Secret Life of Germs: What They Are, Why We Need Them & How to Protect Ourselves Against Them” which was published by Atria Division of Simon & Schuster. In 2020 “First Wear a Mask, A Doctors Guide to Reducing the Risk of Infections During a Pandemic and Beyond” Random House/Penguin Books.
Dr. Tierno is Co-founder and President of the “Foundation for Scientific Research in the Public Interest” (a non-profit organization) whose primary objective is to fund scientific research for the public welfare and for which the usual and traditional sources of support are unavailable or encumbered, and he served as Chairman of the Environmental Commission of Norwood, New Jersey for 15 years. Dr. Tierno is the U.S. representative to the Global Hygiene Council headquartered in London. His broad expertise in the area of the environmental and medical microbiology and microbial ecology has resulted in numerous appearances on TV news, documentary, and investigative reports. He has appeared on both local, network and cable television shows such as 20/20, Oprah, Montel, Primetime, Dateline, Nightline, Today, Good Morning America, Tyra Banks, Dr. Oz, Nate Burkas, CNN, Katie, Chris Cuomo CNN, etc, etc. He has been instrumental in enriching the career objectives of many physicians and scientists who were fortunate enough to have worked with him