Installation of IAQ equipment can be a major challenge. How much time will it take? Do you need a permit to install? Does your HVAC system need to be re-sized? After installation, what kind of maintenance is needed? What are the costs of replacement parts?
All these questions are critically important.
With AtmosAir’s equipment, the units are installed in the supply side of your ductwork. Some may be very close to the air handling units and some further down depending on access. Some units may be installed in unit-ventilators, and some are installed in heat recovery or energy recovery ventilators. There is no need for re-sizing HVAC equipment because our units have very little effect on air pressure drop. Since you’re adding this technology to existing systems, not altering them in a significant way, and utilizing ESSER funds, no SED permit is required. This wouldn’t be true if you were funding through a capital project and seeking state aid.
From a maintenance standpoint, the tubes on our units need to be changed once every two years and they cost a fraction of the upfront cost (approximately 10%). Yes – it’s that simple.
A technology, like AtmosAir, that is continuously making your indoor air quality better 24/7, with very low maintenance and the ability to reduce your energy costs via ASHRAE 62.1, is the kind of technology that should be in every school.
As we all know, SED shared a statement about ionization back in Dec 2021. As stated, Pandemic Solutions is working with AtmosAir and Guth DeConzo Engineering to address the statement. SED has received all our supporting documentation and has forwarded it to the NY DOH. We are now in the process of reaching out to DOH to meet with them directly.
While that is in process, it should not stop anyone from moving forward with the use of ESSER funds.
There is a very good chance your school still has ESSER funds. Our projects, including installation, are typically a fraction of the total ESSER funds your school should have received.