DOD Purchases 25,000 VSE Magnum Sprayers

The U.S. Department of Defense recently purchased 25,000 VSE Magnum Sprayers for US embassies. The [...]

Introducing the VSE ProPack Electrostatic Backpack Sprayer

Pandemic Solutions is proud to announce the VSE ProPack Electrostatic Backpack Sprayer. This battery powered [...]

How much do disinfection services cost?

The COVID-19 Pandemic has businesses and organizations seeking commercial disinfection services more than ever.  And [...]

Disinfection Companies in High Demand During COVID-19

As more stores, restaurants, and schools open, the need for disinfection companies has never been [...]

Indoor Air and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. However, some uncertainty remains [...]